Saturday, December 24, 2022

Technology's Impact on Our World

 There is no doubt that technological advances have changed the way we work, live, and entertain ourselves. These changes have had a direct influence on our culture, traditions, and social values (Chukwuemeka,2022). We are also no longer limited to influence from our geographical location. Due to technological advancements the world is now a global society with cultures and traditions blending. Technology has also altered people’s expectations and realities (Chukwuemeka, 2022). People expect everything to be easier while also wanting instant gratification. We also have seen changes in how people communicate.  

We also have more options for communication today without the added costs that once were associated with long-distance phone calls, sending letters, or telegrams. Texting, instant messaging, and social media are becoming preferred methods of communication offering people a faster, cheaper way to reach others throughout the world (Atkinson, 2022). Video calling options are also a viable way for people to connect without having to add special apps to their phones or computers with many devices already equipped with these options (Atkinson, 2022). These new forms of communication have altered our culture by changing the way we communicate with each other. Social media has also had an incredible impact on our lives offering us ways to remain connected while also offering us a place to get the news.  

These changes have not come without issue though. While it has impacted our social values and connected us globally, technology has also created a world where people are more interested in what is happening online and not right in front of them. Younger generations are spending more time on cell phones and less time interacting in person. Children are growing up with tablets, computers, and cell phones at an early age which has been linked to social and behavioral problems due to the way it limits their time spent interacting with others (National University, 2021). While these developments have had a great positive impact on our lives, we must also remain aware of the issues technology can also cause. This will allow us to ensure we use technology to better our lives and the world around us while also understanding the limitations that arise.  



Atkinson, T. (2022, October 18). Technology - changing communication around the world. ITChronicles. Retrieved December 22, 2022, from 

Chukwuemeka, E. S. (2022, June 14). Impact of technology on culture, tradition and social values. Bscholarly. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from 

National University. (2021, May 13). The negative effects of technology on children. National University. Retrieved December 22, 2022, from,games%20they're%20playing%20online. 

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